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Google to Microsoft: Wolf in sheep's clothing?
Google has a knack for launching (hoped for) category killer applications directly aimed at usurping existing market leaders’ positions with its reassuring “we’re not a competitive threat, we complement each other” mantra. Matt Glotzbach, head of enterprise products at Google, on Google Apps for Your Domain vs. Microsoft Office: The right way to view Writely and Google Spreadsheets, especially in the context of a larger business, isn't necessarily as a replacement for Word or Excel. They're the collaboration component of that. On Google Checkout vs. eBay PayPal, Google CEO Eric Schmidt said days before its launch: Very important to know that it is targeted at advertisers, not at general consumers….Not like PayPal at all. Who does Google think it is kidding? Upon Google Checkout’s release Google’s key advertiser account, eBay, prohibited Google Checkout as “Payment Services not permitted” on eBay. Microsoft does not welcome Google Apps for Your Domain as a new, collaborative neighbor in the “cloud.” Ray Ozzie was recruited by Microsoft to “Webify everything.” Read more: blogs.zdnet.com |
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